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Marina Perelló,

It is an online training course fully subsidized by the Consortium of continuous formation of Catalunya

Ironhack and 22@Network Barcelona announce the launch of a new Data Analytics course aimed at professionals who want to improve their skills in data analysis and boost their professional careers. The course, which will be taught online via Zoom, is fully subsidized by the "Consorci de Formació Contínua de Catalunya".

Collaboration of three great actors

As the main generator and consumer of digital and technological talent in southern Europe, the 22@ association is firmly committed to offering educational programs that aim to attract and retain talent. The course in Data Analytics is another example of the commitment of 22@Network Barcelona and also of Ironhack to training and advanced professional development in Catalonia.

"The launch of this program represents an important step in 22@Network Barcelona's mission to promote digital talent through advanced education and technological innovation. It is essential that we provide professionals with the necessary tools to renew their knowledge and favor their adaptation to an increasingly digital and competitive business environment", explains Isabel Sabadí, general director of 22@Network Barcelona.

With the support of the Consorci de Formació Contínua de Catalunya, this initiative seeks to enhance the skills in demand in the current labor market, placing particular emphasis on data analysis as a fundamental piece for innovation and progress. Through a collaborative approach and high educational quality, the Data Analytics course aims to prepare students not only for the technical demands of the industry, but also for active integration in a dynamic and expanding business community .


The program, which consists of 240 hours of duration, will start at the beginning of September and end in December, offering two date options for interested students, the first from September 2 to December 17 and the second from September 9 to December 23 The schedule will be in both cases from 18:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Thursday.

Course contents

The Data Analytics course does not require extensive prior knowledge of data analysis and offers participants a unique opportunity to begin or deepen the study of the following key areas:

  • Introduction to data analysis and Python: Basics of data cleaning, data wrangling, API usage and web scraping, along with developing intermediate skills in Git, SQL and Python.

  • Advanced Data Analytics: Exploration of fundamental mathematical concepts in data analysis using Python, including inferential statistics and probability, as well as advanced business intelligence and data presentation techniques.

  • Basic concepts of machine learning: Using the scikit-learn library to create, train and evaluate machine learning models.

Admission process

To start the admission process, you must fill out the form found on the website, in this link. Subsequently, those interested will undergo an online logic test and once this phase has been passed, an interview will be carried out where motivation, professional background and personal goals will be assessed. Once these stages are completed, it will be the Admissions Committee who will notify by email of the results of the process.

For more information about the Data Analytics course and to submit your application, visit this link: 


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