"Biomedical engineers are critical in hospitals because they apply principles of engineering to solve problems in medicine and healthcare. Their expertise bridges the gap between engineering and biological sciences, allowing them to contribute to a wide range of activities that enhance patient care, improve safety, and advance medical technology."
📅 28 de març de 2025 de 09.30 h a 12.30 h
📍 Auditorium Campus Poblenou - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, (C/ Roc Boronat, 138, 08018 Barcelona)
09.30 h - Coffee & Registration
10.00 h - Introduction: Pr. Oscar Camara & Pr. Clara Prats, President of the Grup Interdisciplinari de Professionals de la Salut (GIPS).
10.15 h - Keynote Speaker: Dr. Abdel H. Moustafa, Cardiologist and Director of the Dimension Lab at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona.
10.45 h - Round Table: Biomedical engineers Alumni working in hospitals.
- Moderator: Pr. Oscar Camara, Director of the Engineering School at Universitat Pompeu Fabra
11.30 h - Round Table: Healthcare professionals
- Moderator: Pr. Clara Prats, GIPS president
12.15 h - Wrap-up
12.25 h - Aperitif & Networking
Why do we need biomedical engineers in hospitals? - Departament | Escola d'Enginyeria (UPF)
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