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L'entrevista: Adriana Díaz, EIT Urban Mobility

What would be the Elevator Pitch of your company?

EIT Urban Mobility is the largest European innovation community for urban mobility with a community of over 250 partners and more than 950 stakeholders as part of our larger ecosystem. As an initiative of the European Institute of Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, we align with EU-level, national, and local government transport and mobility plans and strategies and are committed to making a positive impact on citizens’ quality of life and the environment. We bring together partners from industry, universities, research, and cities to develop new solutions that generate changes in behaviour. We connect local, national and European ecosystems to seed innovations and accelerate the transition to decarbonised and sustainable urban mobility.

What is the key success factor in your company?

Success for EIT Urban Mobility is measured via the social impact of our work has. In particular, the social impact we have on improving the quality of life in cities, mitigating and adapting to climate change and creating jobs and strengthening the European urban mobility sector.

What project are you currently working on?

Since 2020, the EIT Urban Mobility innovation programme has co-funded 175+ projects and supported the implementation of over 290 pilots in 140+ European cities. In 2024, we are working with 120+ organisations in the implementation of 26 agile projects and 14 entrepreneurial innovation projects and 12 targeted projects. The agile and entrepreneurial innovation projects cover a range of urban mobility topics including active mobility, sustainable logistics, and mobility data management. Our targeted projects focus on responding to external changes and influences such as technological developments, policies/regulations, and urgent events.

In 2024, EIT Urban Mobility’s Academy and Impact Ventures programmes are continuing to train and educate professionals and students, and support the acceleration and financing of startups, respectively. Since 2020, our Academy programme has trained 15,000 professionals via the Competence Hub, 123 students in its Master School and includes 90 PhD candidates as part of its Doctoral Training Network. During the same period within our Impact Ventures programme, €200M+ funds have been raised and €12M+ has been invested, with 362 startups supported. In 2023, we were recognised as Europe’s most active investor in urban mobility startups.

What are you learning now?

By implementing the projects we support year-on-year, we keep updating our knowledge base around transformative mobility technologies. In the next 2 years we will be paying more attention to the impact of AI applications on transport systems, connectivity and autonomous driving as well as roadmaps towards the electrification and decarbonisation of mobility in urban centres.

Why did you decide to join 22@NETWORK Barcelona? 

With its headquarters located within the 22@ Innovation District of Barcelona, EIT Urban Mobility sees significant synergies and opportunities with joining the 22@ Network. EIT Urban Mobility is excited to be an active contributor to this ecosystem of startups, companies, universities, research and technology centres and institutes.

How do you think being part of the 22@Network Barcelona association helps your company?

EIT Urban Mobility sees the unique network of 22@ as an opportunity to further develop strong local relationships, expand collaborations and give back to the Barcelona’s innovation ecosystem. For EIT Urban Mobility, our community and ecosystem are our key main assets in paving the way to more sustainable urban mobility and liveable urban spaces.

What do you contribute to the 22@ ecosystem?

EIT Urban Mobility can contribute to the 22@ ecosystem via its position as an EU institution of experts in urban mobility. We see a role for EIT Urban Mobility to contribute to the ecosystem by matching and connecting key stakeholders in the mobility sector, via our experience in bringing innovations to market and scaling impact, in supporting entrepreneurship, in accelerating startups and via education and training.

What attracts you to this ecosystem?

EIT Urban Mobility sees the ecosystem of startups, companies, universities, research, and technology institutes as complimentary to its own community and as a new exciting opportunity for collaboration, sharing and transferring knowledge.

Who do you know that you think the whole 22@ community should know?

EIT Urban Mobility can bring its EU level experience and knowledge in innovation, sustainability, and urban mobility, alongside its wide European community which covers the three areas of the ‘knowledge triangle’ – education, business and research. We are fortunate to work with some of the top Research and Technology Organisations and universities across Europe including Fraunhoffer, Technical University of Munich, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Aalto University, mobility innovators, as well as solutions’ adopters such as cities and public transport operators like TMB, ATM, Carris and BKK.

How would you define innovation in the 22@ district?

EIT Urban Mobility sees innovation in the 22@ district as being characterised by cross-sector collaboration. Indeed, we see the approach to innovation as closely aligning with that of the EIT, represented by its ‘Knowledge Triangle’ which recognises that when experts from each of the areas of business, research and education work together as one, an optimal environment for innovation is created.

How would you define sustainability in the 22@ district?

The approach to sustainability within the 22@ district is evident in many aspects – from its mixed land use to sustainable buildings, and to urban planning aimed at climate change adaptation and mitigation.

How do you see your company in 5 years?

In 5 years, EIT Urban Mobility will continue to fund innovative projects, educate professionals and students, and invest in entrepreneurs and startups within the urban mobility sector. In 5 years, the projects, education and investments of today will be having greater impact on sustainability and livability in cities across Europe.


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