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Susana Prado, President of 22@Network Barcelona belongs to the Localret Advisory Board

Marina Perelló,

The Board of Directors of the Localret Consortium, in its session of July 23, 2024, approved the creation of the Advisory Council for the digital transformation of the municipalities of Catalonia within the framework of Localret's Digital Municipality Strategy, with the purpose of advising and sharing its vision of the technology sector and its application to turn towns and cities into digital municipalities to improve the lives of citizens.

In the agreement creating the council, it was determined that for the next 5 years the president of 22@Network Barcelona, Susana Prado, would be part of it.

Localret was born in 1997 as a response from the local world to the introduction of what was then known as cable and new information and communication technologies. After a first stage of consolidation and expansion, the Consortium has redoubled its efforts to provide more public value in the provision of services and in its recovery of the leadership of the discourse with the update of its mission: Accompany councils in the digital transformation of their towns and cities.


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