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Susana Prado, President of 22@ Network Barcelona will be part of the new Localret Advisory Board

Marina Perelló,

On October 1, the first meeting of the Council was held in which its constitution was formalized

Last July, the Board of Directors of the Consorci Localret approved the creation of the Advisory Council for the digital transformation of the municipalities of Catalonia.

This is a consultative body that aims to advise and share its vision on the technology sector and its application, in order to transform towns and cities into digital municipalities that improve the quality of life of citizens.

It is made up of around twenty leading people from the technology sector linked to associations, universities and companies.

The members participate, among others, in the associations, Graustic, the Technological Circle, Sinergía o Fomento del Trabajo, the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, the Smart City World Congress, the Digital Impulse Hub, the universities UPC, UB, ESADE, La Salle or the Tecnocampus Foundation, the COEINF, the 22@ Network Barcelona association, the Digital Cluster of Catalonia, and the Third Sector Roundtable.

The Localret Consortium, since the previous municipal mandate, is deploying the Digital Municipality Strategy to accompany municipalities in the transformation of their towns and cities into digital municipalities. This strategy is made up of four elements: The Digital Municipality Metamodel, the Digital Agenda of the municipalities of Catalonia, the Proactive, close and continuous support service over time, and the Facilitation of digital solutions.

On October 1, the first meeting of the Consell was held in which its constitution was formalized and the strategy of the Localret Consortium was put for consideration by its members.


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