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Marina Perelló,

Disruptive trends and the ethics of AI in 22@Breakfast #180 on digital marketing

Last April 25, 22@Network Barcelona celebrated 22@Breakfast number 180 in the Poblenou Campus Auditorium of Pompeu Fabra University. A very important building for the association, not only because it is where its headquarters are located, but also because of what it represents: the collaboration and transfer of knowledge between the University and the business world.

The event revolved around the emerging and disruptive trends that define the current landscape of digital marketing. “Digital marketing is much more than a simple business strategy; it is a continuous evolution that adapts to the changing demands of technologies and consumers", explained Enric Urreta, the president of 22@Network Barcelona, who thus welcomed all the attendees. Urreta's words gave way to the two main presentations of the event: Alexandra Martínez, Freelance Brand Consultant & Digital Strategist and Associate Professor of Communication of Digital Marketing Strategies at Pompeu Fabra University and David López, Managing Partner and Chief Strategy Officer, Fhios Smart Knowledge, as Innovator of the Month.

The first to carry out her exhibition was Alexandra Martínez, who reviewed the new technologies that more and more companies are using to captivate their customers and achieve their business goals. In a world in constant change, where consumer demands are in continuous evolution, "innovating is no longer an option, it's a must", pointed out Martínez. During his presentation he emphasized the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) currently plays. "48% of marketers globally use AI to create content, 45% to analyze data and optimize their marketing strategies and 38% use it to automate specific SEO tasks," he explained .

According to Alexandra Martínez in her presentation, AI not only boosts efficiency in the creation and analysis of content, but also improves personalization and targeting towards specific audiences. In today's digital marketing context, tailoring services and communications to individual consumer preferences is crucial. In addition, the growing interest in technologies such as augmented reality and Voice Marketing reflects the constant evolution of the digital landscape, requiring brands to act authentically and focus on offering unique and personalized experiences.

Following the tradition of all 22@Breakfast, the association's innovator of the month was presented. On this occasion the awarded company was Fhios Smart Knowledge, represented by David López. In the field of marketing, López highlighted three key stages in which AI can be applied: market research, marketing strategy and marketing action. Reflecting on whether the widespread use of AI in marketing could eliminate human work, López came up with Moravec's Paradox to prove otherwise. This paradox points to the fact that deep-rooted skills and experiences acquired over millions of years of human evolution remain unconscious elements that AI cannot easily replicate.

López's presentation ended with the raising of two big questions, which represent two ethical challenges: "What do we allow AI to learn and what do we allow AI to generate". This technological advance opens up new opportunities for humanity, but it also raises ethical questions that require careful and ongoing attention.

In short, the 180th 22@Breakfast was an eye-opening event that highlighted the dynamics and challenges of digital marketing in the age of Artificial Intelligence. This meeting not only highlighted the fundamental role of collaboration between academia and the business sector, but also highlighted the need to responsibly address the ethical dilemmas that accompany technological progress in the field of digital marketing.

Finally, Isabel Sabadí, director of 22@Network Barcelona, highlighted the following events that will be held in the 22@Barcelona district and also welcomed new partners to the association: Albion Theop Group, Fundació Trinijove, Traça , Crombie, Humanscale and Adeplus.


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