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Irene Codina Altarriba,

The new Board begins "a stage of acceleration and repositioning of the district" focused on "sustainability, equality and collaboration" as fundamental pillars

Susana Prado, general director of INETUM Catalunya, takes over from Enric Urreta as president of 22@Network Barcelona. The association, which already has more than 250 members, is thus starting a new stage in which it will focus its efforts "on making 22@ a global benchmark in sustainability, equality and collaboration", as Prado has explained in the 20th Members' Assembly in which the new board has been appointed.

The main objective of the new management is to promote an integrated and innovative development of the district, strengthening the alliance with Barcelona City Council and other entities, as well as public-private collaboration. In addition, it presents a firm commitment to the promotion of research and development projects, the promotion of international alliances and the creation of spaces that favor innovation, creativity and the attraction of talent. Sustainability and inclusion are key for the new board, which wants to implement green initiatives, circular economy programs and gender equality policies, in order to guarantee a balanced and responsible growth of 22@ Barcelona.

Susana Prado, who had already been the president of the Women in Valor Commission of the association, will share the new leadership with Osmar Polo (CEO of T-Systems Iberia) who will be the Strategic Vice President, with positions alternating every two years. The new board will have two other vice-presidencies, on the one hand, that of Territory, led by Anna Gener (CEO Barcelona at Savills Spain) and, on the other hand, that of Innovation, led by Miquel Rey (Director General of Business at Eurecat) . The management team will also be made up of other representatives of relevant companies and institutions in the world of technology and innovation in the 22@ Barcelona district: Antonia Sansó (Account Executive Capgemini), Francesc Fajula (CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona), Àngels Fitó (Rector of the Open University of Catalonia) and Héctor Bros (Partner of Cuatrecasas).

The team, which is "fully cohesive and excited", has committed to work to "turn 22@ into a leading global leader in innovation, technology and sustainability, creating an inclusive and collaborative business ecosystem that attract and nurture national and international talent, promote local economic growth and promote a positive social impact", as he stated in the presentation of his candidacy.

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